How Americans invented St. Patrick’s Day

Check out this cool video on five ways Americans invented St. Patrick’s Day.

Ireland has its obvious ties to St. Patrick’s Day and Italians have tried to claim St. Patrick as their own through the years. Glad to see Americans are trying to get in on the action! haha

In reality it doesn’t matter much when you think about it because everyone is Irish at!!

Video is from the U.S. Embassy in Ireland, here’s a link to their page. …

Everybody Loves Shepherd’s Pie, Especially With A History Lesson Mixed In

When looking for a nice recipe for Shepherd’s Pie, I came across this video on youtube.  It features Mary, a chef at one of New York’s premier Irish pubs cooking up the pie.  The conversation that takes place is really the highlight of the video.  It feels like you are in your Irish ancestors kitchen getting a cooking lesson.  There may be more famous chefs out there, but I will watch Mary every time.  Enjoy!!  Have your own recipe?  Feel free to share it with us, we welcome your imput.

Courtesy of EBRU Channel



Want to see where your ancestors lived in 1890’s Ireland? Check out this cool site!

The Irish Times newspaper has a really cool site that will show you where people with your surname lived in Ireland in 1890.  It also shows you some information about derivations of your surname.  Below find a link to the site and a screen shot of my map with results from my search.  Have fun and you maybe able to pinpoint a county you will need to visit when you get a chance to go back to your roots.  Be careful though, the site is so cool you may stay and investigate awhile!


Courtesy of the Irish Times


The Irish Serve In America!

The Irish immigrated and then were willing to serve in the American Armed Forces.  Here is a picture of my grandmother with one of her sons and two of his cousins, who served in the Army and the Navy.  My father and all three of his brothers served in the US Navy.  Hopefully, I can find a picture of all of them in uniform.


Losing the Murphy Pot!


 This picture shows my grandmother, grandfather, great uncle and second cousin planning to build a bathroom in their house on Letterly Street in Philadelphia.  The outhouse in the back is no longer there.  My father told me they used a Murphy Pot when the weather was bad.

This plan was the pot’s demise!

 Sorry to all the Murphy’s out there!